


Bryce got into the board gaming hobby thanks to Jessica, who introduced them to modern gaming early on in their relationship. Bryce has always had a passion for beverages. The chemistry and comradery behind things like coffee, tea, beer and liquor have always held a special place in his heart. Bring both games and drinks to the table, Bryce found that the two were actually not that uncommon from one another. Both games and drinks have been used, for centuries, as a means to bring people together, and Bryce found himself incredibly inspired to create an atmosphere where both of these great passions were accentuated.

With a background in music and radio, a podcast only made sense. The Game & Drink Connoisseurs Podcast is the culmination of many, many moments and conversations at the table between Bryce and Jessica.

When not making a podcast about board games and drinks, Bryce is usually busy writing music for his band, Joyride Aviator. 



Jessica's relationship with board gaming and brewed beverages started a long time ago, albeit in a more part time sense. After introducing Bryce to modern gaming, Jessica followed his lead and inspiration to create a podcast where both of these great passions could be accentuated.

Jessica sought out to provide a much needed female touch and perspective not too often seen in the board gaming world, or the beverage one for that matter. Never afraid to speak her mind, or take things to the most hilarious and inappropriate levels, Jessica's silly, light hearted, but honest nature fills in the spaces on the show when and where needed in a way that brings balance to Bryce's straight man approach. She has also taken on the role of producer, helping Bryce find and stay on track.

When not recording a podcast, Jessica is typically playing board games, lending her singing voice to Joyride Aviator and is slowly getting back into her original passion of writing.




Patrick has been gaming for 25 years, most of which was spent playing Magic: the Gathering.  As a father, the time that he could dedicate to Magic was insufficient to remain competitive.  Board games have provided an opportunity to have a competitive atmosphere that doesn't require as great a time investment.  While Patrick has always played board games, they have become a huge part of his life over the last decade.

Some of his favorite games include Twilight Imperium IV, Obsession, and Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization.